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My name is David. I am from Lawrenceburg (Whiskey City) Indiana. Like many, I started shooting bows instinctively at a young age and took it quite a bit more seriously as I grew older. I have always had a passion for anything outdoors, especially hunting and fishing. I attended the first Cloverdale Traditional Nationals Shoot in Indiana 1992. Walking around that show looking at products and speaking with bowyers, sparked something in me to someday do something of my own. Throughout the years I have had many ideas for products that would suit me while I pursued my hobbies. Some stayed with me some fizzled out, some I have seen other companies eventually do something similar or close to what I had previously envisioned. With the rising cost of everything from fishing lures to field points. I wasn't sure if I could ever "break in" to a business in which I had a love and passion for. The old saying "no risk, no reward" comes into play here. So I made a hefty investment in in, foam targets. We started the Whiskey City Traditional Archers. I was a nervous wreck not knowing if the shoots would make it or not. However, In our first year the club grew to 132 members. The shoots have been doing real well and I have made lifelong friends in this sport we have in common. Being in and around all these folks hearing what they want and or need out of equipment and accessories lead me to to take another risk. In comes The Hipster quiver. A smaller lightweight version of a side quiver geared towards the field/target archer, indoor or outdoor 3D shooters. We are now happy to offer The Hipster along with Traditional/ Single String gear and swag that we feel you will like. If you see a product listed on this website know that that product has been tested and used by someone on the Whiskey City Trad Gear Team before it was ever released for quality assurance and feedback. We will never sell one product here at Whiskey City Trad Gear that we don't believe in 110% for the sake of making a buck on it.
In closing my promise to you is that I will keep doing the best I can to offer quality Trad Gear Products at an affordable price. I will continue to promote and push this sport ethically and honestly. I will give back to this sport every chance I get, and have big plans for future endeavours. First we need to launch and get our feet off the ground. That's where you come in! Check out the store, if there is something that interest you order it up! And let's continue to build the brand, together!
Thank you all so much!
David aka (snide)
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